Saturday, March 5, 2016

Blog Assignment 5

Dear Governor Trump,

I am Reverend Rilo Jenkins from Heaven's Gate Missionary Baptist Church. I am 45 years old and I reside in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. I volunteer at the Helping Hands' Homeless Shelter and I donate blood to the Mary Jane's Medical Center. Monday through Friday I work at Barber Nation; however, on the weekend I am teaching and praising the Almighty, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am writing on the execution of my friend Jefferson. I met Jefferson while I was volunteering at one of my as well. When I went up to introduce myself, he showed me the up most respect. He stood up straight, looked me in my eyes, and gave me a firm handshake. As we begin to engage in conversation, I found Jefferson  and I shared common beliefs. He and I liked the same sports and religious beliefs. The following Sunday I invited Jefferson to my church and he decided to become a christian. From that day on Jefferson became one of my closet friends.

I am asking you to pardon Jefferson from being executed. I am asking you not only as his friend, but as a reverend as well. In Exodus 20:13 it states, "Thou shall not kill." Not only will killing this young man is unfair, but it is also a sin. Jefferson showed no sense of harm and never disrespected me once. He was showing so much joy for the word of God; he was also planning to become a deacon for my church as well. I went and visited Jefferson last week. He is not the Jefferson I know before being incarcerated. He shows no emotion, or any interest for life anymore. I reached my hand out to pray for him, he refused and got up to return to his cell. I'm not asking for him to be released from prison; however, I'm asking for him not to be executed. I hope you take this letter into consideration.

Reverend Rilo Jenkins