Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog Assignment 9

During my AP English course I enjoyed the classroom discussions the most. I disliked writing notes because most of the notes were common knowledge. I learned helpful strategies when writing essays such as brainstorming. The course prepared me well for the AP test. If I could take the course again I would because it was a helpful class.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog Assignment 8

   During the ACT, I did not with any section, I just had forgotten a few things. B.C  Rain did not prepare me at all. The only teacher who prepared me was my fourth block teacher Mr.Rease. The testing environment I was located in was extremely hot and it made me sleepy.
   I did well with the time at the beginning, then as I continued to test I got tired and time started to drift from me. I think that affected my score and I think I made at the lowest a 20. I prepared myself pretty well, I studied over spring break and during my free time at school.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blog Assignment 7

The American dream is doing everything you set out to do. Setting goals, working hard, and achieving everything you dreamed about. My American dream is to be become a successful engineer, marry the love of my life, and give my kids everything I did not have growing up. I would also like to start my own business.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blog Assignment 6

If I had a million dollars I would help as many people as I can. First I would go to charity events and give a $100,000 donation to help those without homes. Then I would donate $500,000 to help feed and build homes for families in Africa. Lastly I would donate the remaining of the sums to the search of the cure of cancer. Helping others that are less fortunate than you is a great feeling. It also drives you to do more g for those who are less fortunate.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Blog Assignment 5

Dear Governor Trump,

I am Reverend Rilo Jenkins from Heaven's Gate Missionary Baptist Church. I am 45 years old and I reside in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. I volunteer at the Helping Hands' Homeless Shelter and I donate blood to the Mary Jane's Medical Center. Monday through Friday I work at Barber Nation; however, on the weekend I am teaching and praising the Almighty, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am writing on the execution of my friend Jefferson. I met Jefferson while I was volunteering at one of my as well. When I went up to introduce myself, he showed me the up most respect. He stood up straight, looked me in my eyes, and gave me a firm handshake. As we begin to engage in conversation, I found Jefferson  and I shared common beliefs. He and I liked the same sports and religious beliefs. The following Sunday I invited Jefferson to my church and he decided to become a christian. From that day on Jefferson became one of my closet friends.

I am asking you to pardon Jefferson from being executed. I am asking you not only as his friend, but as a reverend as well. In Exodus 20:13 it states, "Thou shall not kill." Not only will killing this young man is unfair, but it is also a sin. Jefferson showed no sense of harm and never disrespected me once. He was showing so much joy for the word of God; he was also planning to become a deacon for my church as well. I went and visited Jefferson last week. He is not the Jefferson I know before being incarcerated. He shows no emotion, or any interest for life anymore. I reached my hand out to pray for him, he refused and got up to return to his cell. I'm not asking for him to be released from prison; however, I'm asking for him not to be executed. I hope you take this letter into consideration.

Reverend Rilo Jenkins

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blog Assignment 4

Chapter 16 Pg.122
"Corn for a hog" he said. "Corn for a hog?" "A hog, Jefferson. You ain't no hog." Th'ow something," he said. I'll never th'ow you nothing, Jefferson?" "You th'ow a bone to a dog. Slop to a hog. You ain't no hog." That's all I'm is,"he said. He turned away" I didn't ask to be born.
This quotation indicates the conflict of  character vs  character because Jefferson has lost all self confidence and has gotten so low that he would call himself a hog. A hog is considered the dirtiest animal and to call himself that signifies that he doesn't care anymore and whatever happens just happens.
This quotation relates to the theme  imprisonment because knowing he is on death row could've manipulated him and now he sees himself as a hog, and feels there is nothing else to live for. I'm already treated like a caged animal why not accept the title as well.
Chapter 17 Pg.129
"You can talk like that; you know you go'n walk out here in a hour. I bet you wouldn't talk like that if you knowed you was go'n stay in here." "In here or out of here, Jefferson, what doesn't benefit you to hurt someone you love someone you love someone who has done so much for you?" I never asked to be born."
This quotation relates to the theme freedom as a state of mind because Jefferson has accepted the fact that he is never getting out of jail and has developed the mindset that he is eventually going to die in jail.
This quotation indicates the conflict of character vs society because Jefferson is taking his frustrations out on the ones who are trying to help him. He also envious of them because they can get up  whenever they want and just move on with their lives. While he waits to spend the rest of life, up to his execution date, in prison.

Blog Post Assignment 3

"I know you believe,"she said "You don't want to, but I know you do."
. This quotation characterizes Grant as a man who lost his faith in God.

This quotation does indicate the conflict of lost of faith. If you have faith in God, everything you want you will get with your faith; however, now that he has lost that faith things that the want will not happen, and everything else would get rougher on him.